KD-IP922DEC-II> H ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Key Digital Systems HELP -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- KD-IP922DEC-II F/W Version : BV1.00.01, MV2.1.7, AV0.5.0 -- -- -- -- H : Help -- -- STA : Show Global System Status -- -- STPIxx : Show Video Input xx Status -- -- STPOxx : Show Video Output xx Status -- -- STIxx : Show Video Input xx 2-Way Status -- -- STOxx : Show Video Output xx 2-Way Status -- -- -- -- Video Output Setup Command ( xxxx=[0~1024], yyyy=[1~1024] ) -- -- SPO xxxx SI yyyy : Set Output xxxx to Video Input yyyy -- -- SPO xx yy : Set Output xx to Video Input yy -- -- SPO xxxx SIU : Set Output xxxx Video Input Up -- -- SPO xxxx SID : Set Output xxxx Video Input Down -- -- SPOASI yyyy : Set All Outputs to Video Input yyyy -- -- SPO A yy : Set All Outputs to Video Input yyyy -- -- SPOASIU : Set All Outputs to Video Input Up -- -- SPOASID : Set All Outputs to Video Input Down -- -- SPOAPT : Set All Outputs to Pass Through -- -- SPO xxxx VM E/D : Set Output xxxx Video Mute Enabled/Disabled -- -- SPO xxxx ON/OFF : Set Output xxxx ON/OFF -- -- SPO xxxx DBG ON/OFF : Set Output xxxx Debug Mode ON/OFF -- -- SPOA VM E/D : Set All Outputs Video Mute Enabled/Disabled -- -- SPOA ON/OFF : Set All Outputs ON/OFF -- -- SPOA DBG ON/OFF : Set All Outputs Debug Mode ON/OFF -- -- -- -- CEC Control Commands: xx = [0~1024,A=All] -- -- SPO xxxx CEC ON/OFF : Set Output xx CEC ON/OFF -- -- SPO xxxx TV ON/OFF : Set Output xx TV ON/OFF (Turn TV On/OFF) -- -- SPO xxxx AV U/D : Set Output xx Volume Up/Down -- -- SPO xxxx AM E/D/T : Set Output xx Audio Mute Enable/Disables/Toggle-- -- -- -- Video Wall Setup Command ( xxxx=[0~1024], yyyy=[0~9999] ) -- -- SPO xxxx VWE/D : Set Video Wall E=Enable/D=Disable -- -- SPO xxxx VID yy : Set Group ID of Video Wall yy=[0~99] -- -- SPO xxxx MWH yy : Set Number of Horizontal Main Display y=[1~10] -- -- SPO xxxx MWV yy : Set Number of Vertical Main Display y=[1~10] -- -- SPO xxxx MWP yyy : set Position of Main Display yyy=[1~100] -- -- SPO xxxx SWH yy : Set Number of Horizontal Sub Display y=[1~10] -- -- SPO xxxx SWV yy : Set Number of Vertical Sub Display y=[1~10] -- -- SPO xxxx SWP yyy : set Position of Sub Display yyy=[1~100] -- -- SPO xxxx BWL yyyy : Set Bezel Width(mm) by yyyy=[1~9999] -- -- SPO xxxx BHL yyyy : Set Bezel Height(mm) by yyyy=[1~9999] -- -- SPO xxxx SWL yyyy : Set Screen Width(mm) by yyyy=[1~9999] -- -- SPO xxxx SHL yyyy : Set Screen Height(mm) by yyyy=[1~9999] -- -- SPO xxxx MSL yyy : Move Screen Position to Left yyy=[0~480] -- -- SPO xxxx MSR yyy : Move Screen Position to Right yyy=[0~480] -- -- SPO xxxx MSU yyy : Move Screen Position to Up yyy x=[0~270] -- -- SPO xxxx MSD yyy : Move Screen Position to Down yyy=[0~270] -- -- SPO xxxx SUH yyyy : Scale Up Horizontal Screen by yyyy=[0~9999] -- -- SPO xxxx SUV yyyy : Scale Up Verical Screen by yyyy=[0~9999] -- -- SPO xxxx SRR y : Set Screen Rotation by y=[0:0', 1:180', 2:270'] -- -- SPO xxxx VFC y : Set Screen Resolution Scaling by y=[0~1] -- -- [0:bypass, 1:1080p] -- -- -- -- IP922ENC Audio Setup Command ( xxxx=[0~1024,A] A=All ) -- -- SPE xxxx AS y : Set Input xxxx Audio Source to y [1=HDMI, 2=EXT.] -- -- SPE xxxx AF y : Set Input xxxx Audio Format to y [1=MONO, 2=STEREO]-- -- SPE xxxx AFGET : Get Input xxxx Audio Format -- -- SPE xxxx AV yy : Set Input xxxx Audio Volume to yy=[00-99],U,D -- -- SPE xxxx AB yy : Set Input xxxx Audio Balance to yy=[00-40],U,D -- -- SPE xxxx AL yy : Set Input xxxx Audio Bass to yy=[00-24],U,D -- -- SPE xxxx AM yy : Set Input xxxx Audio Middle to yy=[00-24],U,D -- -- SPE xxxx AH yy : Set Input xxxx Audio Treble to yy=[00-24],U,D -- -- SPE xxxx AD yy : Set Input xxxx Audio Delay to yy=[00-99],U,D -- -- SPE xxxx A E/D : Set Input xxxx Audio Mute E=Enabled/D=Disabled -- -- -- -- IP922DEC Audio Setup Command ( xxxx=[0~1024,A] A=All ) -- -- SPD xxxx AF y : Set Output xxxx Audio Format to y [1=MONO,2=STEREO]-- -- SPD xxxx AFGET : Get Output xxxx Audio Format -- -- SPD xxxx AV yy : Set Output xxxx Audio Volume to yy=[00-99],U,D -- -- SPD xxxx AB yy : Set Output xxxx Audio Balance to yy=[00-40],U,D -- -- SPD xxxx AL yy : Set Output xxxx Audio Bass to yy=[00-24],U,D -- -- SPD xxxx AM yy : Set Output xxxx Audio Middle to yy=[00-24],U,D -- -- SPD xxxx AH yy : Set Output xxxx Audio Treble to yy=[00-24],U,D -- -- SPD xxxx AD yy : Set Output xxxx Audio Delay to yy=[00-99],U,D -- -- SPD xxxx A E/D : Set Output xxxx Audio Mute Enabled/Disabled -- -- -- -- MC Network Setup Command( xxx=[000-255], zzzz=[0001~9999], y=[1~2] )-- -- SPCETIPA xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx : Set Host IP Address to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -- -- SPCETIPM xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx : Set Net Mask to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -- -- SPCETIPR xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx : Set Route IP Address to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -- -- SPCETIPP zzzz : Set TCP/IP Port to zzzz -- -- SPCETIPB : Apply New Network Config -- -- SPCETLN x y : Set LAN Port x Speed to y=[1=1G,2=100K] -- -- -- -- Video over IP Network Setup Command(xxx=[000-255], y=[1~2]) -- -- SPAETMOD y : Set IP mode by y [1=AutoIP, 2=Static] -- -- SPAETIPA xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx : Set Host IP Address to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -- -- SPAETIPM xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx : Set Net Mask to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -- -- SPAETIPR xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx : Set Route IP Address to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -- -- SPAETIPB : Apply New Network Config -- -- -- -- Control I/O Port Setup Command ( x=[0~3], y=[0~9], z=[0001-9999] ) -- -- SPB x CM y : Set Control Mode of I/O Port x=[1~3] by y -- -- [1=IP922 Control, 2=Compass Control, 3=Open API] -- -- SPB x PC y : Set Port Configuration of I/O Port x=[1~3] by y -- [0=None, 1=IR IN, 2=IR OUT, 3=RS232, 4=TRIGGER IN, 5=TRGGER OUT] -- -- SPB 1 IRS y : Set IR Source by y [1=IR Sensor, 2=Serial IR ] -- -- SPB x RSB y : Set RS232 Baud Rate of I/O Port x=[2~3] by y bps -- -- [0=115200, 1=57600, 2=38400, 3=19200, 4=9600, 5=4800]-- -- SPB x RSL y : Set RS232 Data Length of I/O Port x=[2~3] by y=[8] -- -- SPB x RSP y : Set RS232 Parity Bit of I/O Port x=[2~3] by y=[0~2] -- [0=None, 1=Odd, 2=Even] -- -- SPB x RSS y : Set RS232 Stop Bit of I/O Port x=[2~3] by y=[0,2] -- -- [0=Stop Bit1, 2:Stop Bit2] -- -- SPB x OSL y : Set Output Level of I/O Port x by y [1=MIN ~ 7=MAX] -- -- SPB x TCP zzzz : Set TCP Port of I/O Port x[0=I/O Port Cfg.] by zzzz-- -- SPB x IGD zzz : Set IR IN/RS232 RxD Group ID of I/O Port x by zzz -- -- SPB x OGD zzz : Set IR OUT/RS232 TxD Group ID of I/O Port x by zzz -- -- -- -- System Control Setup Command ( xx,yy=[0000-1024] ) -- -- SPC DN cccccccccccccccc : Set Device Name (Up to 16 chars) -- -- SPC SID xxxx : Set System Group ID xxxx for Multicast,[0000=Unicast]-- -- SPCDF : Reset to Factory Default All -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- KD-IP922DEC-II> KD-IP922DEC-II> STA ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Key Digital Systems Status -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- KD-IP922DEC-II F/W Version : BV1.00.01, MV2.00.17, AV0.5.0 -- -- -- -- Device Name = Output 1 , System ID = 0001 -- -- Power = ON , MMS mode = 0, 0 DC=000, ASW=0 -- -- -- -- Master Controller Network Setting Status -- -- MAC Address = 60:89:B1:A2:00:00 -- -- Host IP Address = -- -- Net Mask = -- -- Router IP Address = -- -- TCP Port = 0023, DHCP = Disable, Link = ON -- -- LAN1 = 1G-BT, -- -- -- -- Video over IP Network Setting Status -- -- MAC Address = 60:89:B1:A3:00:00 -- -- IP Mode = Static -- -- Host IP Address = -- -- Net Mask = -- -- Router IP Address = -- -- -- -- Control I/O Ports Status -- -- Main : TCP = 4580 -- -- I/O1: CM=Compass , CFG=IR OUT ,OSL=7, RS=057600-8-0-0, IRS=2 -- -- TCP=4581, IGD=0001, OGD=0002 -- -- I/O2: CM=Compass , CFG=IR OUT ,OSL=7, RS=057600-8-0-0, IRS=2 -- -- TCP=4582, IGD=0003, OGD=0004 -- -- I/O3: CM=Compass , CFG=IR OUT ,OSL=7, RS=057600-8-0-0, IRS=2 -- -- TCP=4583, IGD=0005, OGD=0006 -- -- -- -- Video Output Status -- -- 0001: DN=Output 1 , MAC=60:89:B1:A2:00:00, GID=0001, LINK=ON -- -- IP=, IN=0001, OUT=ON , HPD=ON , HCP=ON , DG=OFF-- -- AV=50, AB=20, AL=12, AM=12, AH=12, AD=00, MUTE=OFF -- -- VW=OFF, VID=00, MWH=01, MWV=01, MWP=001, SWH=01, SWV=01 -- -- SWP=001, BWL=0001, BHL=0001, SWL=0001, SHL=0001, MSL=000 -- -- MSR=000, MSU=000, MSD=000, SUH=0001, SUV=0001, SRR=0, VFC=0 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- KD-IP922DEC-II>